i m sure most of you must hv read this wonderful classic, i had read some 7-8 years back. now i hv seen the movie too. ya its there on lan.
as all big stories, epics and fights written, occur and happen because of some beautiful lady, this was nt an exception either. here edmond(bechaara!!) was betrayed by his best friend mondego (another bechaara!! bt much richer than edmond) because his friend was jealous as edmond was sleeping with the lady(mercedes) he also wanna sleep with. and the lady was nt foolish either, for her satisfaction as soon as edmond ws sent to jail she slept with his best friend. bt as always hero comes back with more power, edmond did return after 16 years with treasure of sparta. bt his best friend ws crook by now. so predicting the situation, "the lady" played a new game and told tht the boy born after edmond left ws nt of his friend, bt of the edmond. again the lady is satisfied!!!!
moral of the story: the lady should always be satisfied.....
true to the core..ladies should be satisfied in everything :P
Keep it up yaar!!
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