u must be wondering wats with the "man wid reasons".. its just that i hv joined the godfather(the book) fan club recently and inspired by don corleone character, the man wid reasons.. bt sry this post is nt abt that book..
thus from continuous bragging from friends abt their blogs and senior askin to join the club of bloggin... i think i just found the right blog to write.. here m talkin abt an incident tht happened with me and my bunch of friends almost a year back...
like many other youngsters, we also wait for our share of weekend very eagerly.. we do all kinda stuff on weekends like midnight buffets, gud food in 3 stars in chennai and many other places i dont like to mention here.. on one such weekend, in one of our long fart session in our wing on hot saturday afternoon, we 5-6 guys decided to hv dinner at "Tandoor"(highly rated by food critics and really expensive) tht day.
so as usual first fight ws to get the auto.. 2-3 guys suggested to take the bus.. and guys like me who prefer luxury over money put auto fundaes.. bt to get the auto in chennai is like findin a coin in sea... really very difficult.. bt as usual luxury ws put aside and 6 guys were packed in auto of three and with auto guy continuously naggin in tamil (which no one in our group understands :P).
bt this incident started after our dinner actually.. as we had quite a meal, we got our complimentary paan and we headed back to our "room sweet room" without leavin any tip for waiters ( rakshit and ravi are huge supporters of nt givin any tip). he hired our auto and we were again 1 on 1 (3 on 3=6 :) )... out of nowhere our auto guy stopped on a side of road and took out a empty bottle :P.. and asked us for money to get some petrol.. as we were waitin for our auto guy to come, we were still on our places as nobody wanna disturb the packing.. we saw a lady in a tight skirt(huge turn on) brown in color and top off white walkin past us.. she ws wearin a high heels with laces all over her leg.. she ws walkin as if the footpath ws her ramp.. all of us were starin at her wid our mouth open and eyes popped out.. she ws just a meter ahead of our auto she turned around in such a sexy way tht i wuld never forget.. just then manish said aloud " abe yeh toh r**nd hai ".. at tht second all of us looked at manish once and turned back to our lady in total agreement.. i think she might hv heard and to giv us the confirmation, she bent wid her hot arse out to correct her high heels and at tht instant she gave us look wid a hot smile..
we were shocked.. never seen such a view in our lives.. some of us includin me ready to go and talk to her abt her rates.. as we are just a student we also considered concessions ;).. bt all in vain as nobody in our group is tht xperienced wid girls like this.. so we said "pack" :P.. and lets enjoi the real life pondy in front of our eyes..
just then our auto guy came and started the auto and we saw 1 pulsar guy negotiatin wid her which i dont think ended well and than a lancer came and last we saw she gettin into the back seat after a long conversation..
we still talk abt tht day and the lady tht made our night tht day and many more nights to come..
man you kidding me!! fugg :P
"the lady tht made our night tht day "..aisa kya din bana diya tha usne despo saale..
abe y only ravi and rakshit.saale tip deni hoti hai toh khud hi de diya kar..
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