Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coming Soon

Its a weird title i know. But for me to do something, there has to be a goal in sight. I want to write something and everything. I have been told that's the only way to learn english which is a very "simple" language by the way. The people who gave this suggestion know me pretty well I guess, as they have seen me waste my entire school life and now my five years of IIT life too. If you are wondering who these great people are, they are my parents by the way. So here are few topics which I will be covering over next few days:

  1. My cricket days at IITM
  2. CAT 09 a disaster
  3. Life ahead at Banglore
Whoever is reading this, please bear with me, criticize me and support me to complete my task as I want to learn the art of writing.

1 comment:

Pratik Gupta said...

What can be more appropriate than this for your new beginning - Go Jadoo !! :)