Tuesday, June 3, 2008

intern lol!!!


me blogging in this hot summer of 2008 just shows that how frustrated i am. i was nt like this couple of months back when most of my friends were still struggling to get the intern, i felt lucky enough to get it in starting two months of previous sem.

u must be wondering now wat happened, i tell u. my intern is in second corner of chennai. i hv to wake up at 7'o clock in the morning to reach there by 9.30 and report the director of the company.

the director of the company is another character. he expect us to come all six days a week and we r supposed to stay upto 5.30. 8 hrs a day, 6 days a week is not tht pain, the real pain is we just sit idle for 8 hrs. they r nt giving us any project and they made us write a apology letter the next day we bunked (which was forwarded to our hod and director).

the only thing tht keep me goin is really cool ac and my endless sleep. i hope juniors will not make such a big mistake. all and all its just the time waste.


Unknown said...

good yaar. its good to know that you have to get up so early you lazy ass. and dont think that we have some high funda work here in our interns. interns are meant to be like this (:P). anyways i hope now you are the most favourite student of your director

anshul_gupta5 said...

pseud intern hai be..ac aur neend aur kya chahiye..net hota to aur mast ho jaati:P